Hello I'm

Gurjant Singh

A web developer with exceptional problem-solving skills. I thrive on tackling challenges and am constantly seeking new opportunities for learning. Currently studying, I look forward to putting my skills to the test in a dynamic and enriching environment.

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Gurjant Singh
Age: 04/07/2003
Address: Vic, Barcelona
Phone: 632857297
Email: gurjantaulakh704@gmail.com
Website: gsingh704.github.io/cv
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/gsa704
GitHub: github.com/gsingh704


Web Development

HTML5_logo_and_wordmark Unofficial_JavaScript_logo_2 PHP-logo

I have good knowledge of HTML, CSS, and can hold my own with JS and PHP. I have also worked with frameworks like React and NextJS.

Programming Languages

Java Python GTK

In school we have been taught programming with Java and JavaFX and I have good knowledge of it. I have also worked with Python and GTK, I have done some projects with them.

Web Design

Bootstrap CSS3_logo_and_wordmark tailwind-css-1 figma

I have good knowledge of CSS and Bootstrap. I have also worked with TailwindCSS and know design patterns. I also know how to use Figma.


Sql_data_base_with_logo MySQL_Logo Postgresql_elephant Mariadb-logo

I have good knowledge of SQL especially MySQL and PostgreSQL. I also know how to connect them to different programming languages.


Git_icon Octicons-mark-github docker Microsoft_Azure

I had always taken interest in DevOps and I have good knowledge about differenet ways to deploy a website. I have worked with GitHub, Docker, Azure and Oracloe Cloud. I have worked docker-compose and dockerfile.


Microsoft_Office gsuite libreoffice

I have experience with Microsoft Office, GSuite and LibreOffice. I also know to deploy own cloud with NextCloud.


delphi tms devexpress

In my works, I had to update the delphi version from 10 to 11. I also had to redesign the program and implement the TMS Web core Framework. I have a little understanding of how to update various plugin and libraries.

Operating Systems

windows linux Active Directory

I have always been interested in Linux and I have good knowledge of it. I know scripting and consider myself good with bash. I also have knowledge of Windows and I have worked with it for a long time. I know how to manage Windows Server and Active Directory.


English Flag es cat in punjabi

I can speak 5 languages. My native languages are Punjabi and Hindi. I have done English IELTS exam and got C2 level. I can also speak and understand Catalan and Spanish at a good level.

My Projects

Gym Routine React PWA

I did a project with React to manage routine and history of exerecise done each day. I used React, and made CSS look like LibAdwaita theme used by GNOME. I also made it Progressive Web App(PWA) and it can be installed on any device and work offline.

Apps To Go Linux Python GTK4

AppToGo is an application that allows you to run Appimages in portable mode, so that they can be run on almost all modern linux distributions without the need for installation, and with all the data. It also lets user download Appimages from AppImageHub. Its written in Python and GTK4 and I have used LibAdwaita widget make it modern.

Geography Quiz React Vite APIs

Geography Quiz is a web app that lets you test your knowledge of geography. It uses React and Vite. The games include guessing Flags, Capital , Coats of Arms and which country has more population. It uses different APIs to get data.


Years Title School
2024 Desenvolupament d'Aplicacions Web(CFGS) Institut Cirviànum de Torelló
2022 Sistemes Microinformàtics i Xarxes(CFGM) Institut Cirviànum de Torelló
2020 Educació Secundària Obligatòria Institut Jaume Callís de Vic


Years Company Position Tasks
01/2023 - 03/2023 logo
Junior Programmer
  • Upgrading Delphi from version 10 to 11.
  • Redesign of the program.
  • Implementation of the TMS Web core Framework.
09/2021 - 06/2022 logo
  • Equipment repair and maintenance
  • Hardware and software support for clients
  • Finding and solving problems with hardware and software
12/2020 - 05/2021 logo
  • Enter data into the Caritas database
  • Help employees with computers
  • Translation tasks (Catalan-English, English-Catalan)